Watch ChatGPT’s Operator AI agent solve a CAPTCHA like a human

It’s 2025, and we still have to deal with CAPTCHAs on the web, the online browsing disruption we never wanted and can’t get rid of. Then again, CAPTCHAs are there to protect websites from abuse by malicious actors. With that in mind, it’s pretty obvious why sites continue to use them.However, with the upcoming wave…

Watch ChatGPT’s Operator AI agent solve a CAPTCHA like a human Read More »

Phishing links becoming bigger threat than email attachments

It has long been held that a surefire way for anybody to protect themselves – and their employer – from falling victim to a cyber attack was not to download any unexpected email attachments, but according to email security specialist Mimecast, cyber criminals seem to be moving away from this tactic. In the first six…

Phishing links becoming bigger threat than email attachments Read More »

Beware: Hackers are trying to steal Apple IDs with fake iCloud links

It’s important to be cautious of suspicious texts and emails you receive from unknown senders, but threat actors are always finding new ways to trick victims. For instance, Broadcom recently warned about a new smishing (a combination of “SMS” and “phishing”) campaign by hackers targeting iPhone owners in an attempt to steal their Apple IDs.As…

Beware: Hackers are trying to steal Apple IDs with fake iCloud links Read More »

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