quantum computing

UAE eyes quantum computing for financial services

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is raising awareness of the potential of quantum computing in financial services to make sure they don’t miss out on a huge opportunity.  The financial sector is known for using huge amounts of data to improve services and, at the same time, make a profit. Naturally, finance companies in the…

UAE eyes quantum computing for financial services Read More »

Challenging the cloud giants: Is a new era of competition on the horizon?

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) sent shockwaves through the tech industry in October 2023 when it announced its investigation into potential anti-competitive practices in the UK cloud infrastructure services market. The CMA is not ploughing a lonely furrow: regulators across the world – from Spain and Denmark to South Africa and (if reports…

Challenging the cloud giants: Is a new era of competition on the horizon? Read More »

From pixels to planets – the UK gaming and space sectors show how to lead on future technologies

Gaming and space have more in common than we may think. And no, that’s not referring to a history of high-grossing video games based in space such as Space Invaders, StarCraft and Destiny. After working with some of the world’s largest and most innovative tech companies across these sectors, there are many ways they hold…

From pixels to planets – the UK gaming and space sectors show how to lead on future technologies Read More »

Deep dive into quantum-resistant cryptography for email security

Imagine waking up one day to find that all your confidential emails are suddenly an open book for anyone with a powerful enough computer. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, with the rapid advancement of quantum computing, despite the challenges involved, this scenario isn’t as far-fetched as you might think. Once fully realised, quantum computers…

Deep dive into quantum-resistant cryptography for email security Read More »

Forrester: Rethink your software asset management practices

Software asset management (SAM) has evolved from simple back-office record-keeping to more complex licence and contract management that integrates innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and generative AI (GenAI). Successful SAM implementations save on licence costs, improve compliance and reduce true-ups. They also improve software utilisation, enabling firms to derive more…

Forrester: Rethink your software asset management practices Read More »

NIST debuts three quantum-safe encryption algorithms

The United States’ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has debuted three new encryption algorithms that it claims will help safeguard critical data from cyber attacks originating from quantum computers The quantum-safe algorithms are the first fully-realised ‘product’ to emerge from NIST’s eight-year post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardisation project and are available for immediate use.…

NIST debuts three quantum-safe encryption algorithms Read More »

Second round of ChipStart sees 11 more companies receive support

A further 11 companies have received funding through the government-backed ChipStart incubator, which is being delivered by Silicon Catalyst. The initiative was launched in October 2023, providing funding and support for 12 semiconductor startups to help them bring new products to market.  The second round of startup companies to receive support includes HeronIC, which is…

Second round of ChipStart sees 11 more companies receive support Read More »

CrowdStrike blue screen bug serves a stark warning

Thank you for joining! Access your Pro+ Content below. 30 July 2024 CrowdStrike blue screen bug serves a stark warning Share this item with your network: In this week’s Computer Weekly, we analyse the lessons from the global IT outage caused by the blue screen bug in CrowdStrike security software. We talk to the data…

CrowdStrike blue screen bug serves a stark warning Read More »

UK government invests £106m in five quantum tech hubs

The government is ploughing millions of pounds into five new quantum hubs in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Oxford and London to bring together researchers and businesses. Areas of focus for the hubs include quantum sensing, networking and positioning.  The hubs will be delivered by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council…

UK government invests £106m in five quantum tech hubs Read More »

Digging into the Labour Party’s election manifesto datacentre planning reform pledge

The Labour Party’s election manifesto includes a pledge to remove the planning barriers that have halted datacentre developments and, in turn, stunted the UK’s economic growth. According to a report by The Telegraph in the days leading up to the publication of the full manifesto on 13 June, the Labour Party wants to reclassify datacentres…

Digging into the Labour Party’s election manifesto datacentre planning reform pledge Read More »

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