project management

Q&A: Adalbjorn Thorolfsson on IT project management in Iceland

The Icelandic Project Management Association was founded in 1984 by engineers and, as such, was initially focused on engineering projects. As project management evolved and became used in more sectors, such as information technology, healthcare, finance and the public sector, the composition of the members of the association and the board changed accordingly. Adalbjorn Thorolfsson…

Q&A: Adalbjorn Thorolfsson on IT project management in Iceland Read More »

Lack of upfront specifications kill agile projects

Research looking into IT project management has found almost two-thirds of projects that use the Agile Manifesto fail. The research, conducted for a book called Impact engineering, found 65% of software projects adopting Agile engineering practices fail to be delivered on time and within budget to a high standard of quality. While it focuses on…

Lack of upfront specifications kill agile projects Read More »

How poor IT project management failed Birmingham Oracle implementation

While experts have questioned why Birmingham City Council (BCC) chose to modify and adapt a new Oracle system rather than alter its own business processes – a decision that led to a £100m bill for taxpayers – a series of documents seen by Computer Weekly reveal project management failures over a number of years contributed…

How poor IT project management failed Birmingham Oracle implementation Read More »

Norway bolsters digital transformation drive

Norway is accelerating digital and artificial intelligence (AI) transformation across business and society, in a plan backed by a government investments in digitalisation and AI research of €90m (NOK 1.1bn) in 2024. A significant part of the proposed capital funding, around 12%, will be used to support research that will help shape rules and legislation…

Norway bolsters digital transformation drive Read More »

Zero-trust principles: Your gateway to securing remote workers

The concept of working ‘on any device from anywhere’ is not new, but the Covid-19 pandemic brought the security challenges of remote working into sharp focus. For many enterprises the immediate issue was enabling a suddenly home-based workforce (many of whom had no previous experience of working away from the immediate office environment) to stay…

Zero-trust principles: Your gateway to securing remote workers Read More »

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