business continuity

Better hygiene may mitigate the need to ban ransomware payments

The general belief that a cyber breach is a matter of ‘if’ not ‘when’ means all organisations potentially face the highly unwelcome prospect of being infected by ransomware, with critical data and operational capabilities only being released following payment to the attacker. Handling a ransomware attack calls for the enterprise to weigh up the value…

Better hygiene may mitigate the need to ban ransomware payments Read More »

NCSC guidance to help CEOs work through cyber incidents

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has published guidance aimed at helping CEOs across the private and public sectors understand how best to manage and respond to a cyber security incident. The guidelines, which have been designed to complement its existing Board Toolkit support package, are intended to serve as a non-technical guide to…

NCSC guidance to help CEOs work through cyber incidents Read More »

Controversial Fujitsu contract with Post Office extended again

The Post Office has extended a controversial agreement with IT supplier Fujitsu that will see it support two datacentres to the end of March 2025, at a total additional cost of £36m. Combined with an announcement earlier this year that a services contact with Fujitsu to support the Post Office’s branch accounting system, Horizon, was…

Controversial Fujitsu contract with Post Office extended again Read More »

Suzy Lamplugh Trust treads path to improved cyber resilience

Anti-harassment and stalking charity Suzy Lamplugh Trust – one of the UK’s most prominent third-sector organisations working to protect women’s personal safety, and the body behind the National Stalking Helpline – has teamed up with the London Cyber Resilience Centre (LCRC) to improve its overall resilience to potential threats. The trust was founded in 1986…

Suzy Lamplugh Trust treads path to improved cyber resilience Read More »

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